Accessibility of the website

Below you will find some information about the accessibility of the website and navigation on common browsers.

 - Operation for blind people
 - Font size
 - Contrast
 - Moving around the website using the keyboard
 - Reporting problems with the operation of the website

Operation for blind people

For operation by blind people we recommend the use of a Braille line and a reading program, e.g. JAWS. After loading the page, blind people do not have to go through the page in a linearized way, i.e. from the beginning to the end. The Internet page is divided into different sections and using the key combinations Insert+F5, Insert+F6 and Insert+F7 you can reach lists of available forms, headings and links.

You can reach all the subpages of the website via corresponding links in the main part, via the list of contents in the footer part or via the „Menu“ field. The menu is dynamic: if you click on a page within the menu that has further subpages, then this page is not loaded directly, but the subpages for this are expanded, which you can then scroll through with the tabulator. Only if a page has no more subpages, the click on the menu item causes the page to be loaded.

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Font size

In all common Internet browsers you can enlarge the texts and images of the web page by pressing the combination „Ctrl“ and „+“ on the keyboard. This size setting will be kept when calling the following pages.
You can make the texts and images smaller again by pressing the combination „Ctrl“ and „-“ on the keyboard or by pressing „Ctrl“ and „0“ directly to return to the default size.

Likewise, you can change the size display in all common browsers by holding down „Ctrl“ on the keyboard and operating the scroll wheel on your mouse.

In addition, browsers usually offer text enlargement and reduction via their settings:

- Edge: browser menu (three small dots in the browser bar at the top right) - zoom - change percentage by clicking on „+“ or „-“

- Chrome: browser menu (three small dots in the browser bar on the top right) - zoom - change percentage by clicking on „+“ or „-“

- Firefox: Browser menu (three small dashes in the browser bar on the top right) - Zoom - change percentage by clicking on „+“ or „-“

- Safari: double A-sign at the left edge of the URL address bar - change percentage by clicking on the „big A“ or the „small A“

On devices with a touch display, you can change the size display by moving two fingers apart (zoom in) or together (zoom out) on the display. But please note that with this functionality in many browsers, the overall height and width of the web page is increased, so you have to scroll left and right as well as up and down to see all the content.
In contrast, with the above functions, the enlarged content is arranged one below the other, so that you do not exceed the width of the screen.

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Most browsers allow you to change the colors displayed on the web page, for example, setting a dark background and white font for higher contrast.

- The Edge browser, for example, adopts the settings from Microsoft Windows. If you set a high contrast here, the web pages will also be output accordingly.

- In Chrome, you have to install a corresponding browser extension.

- In Firefox, you can determine the colors individually via the browser settings.

- For Safari, the contrast settings in the Apple operating system must also be changed.

Note: These contrast changes can make it more difficult to find your way around the website, as the individual sections and areas of the website may no longer be visible.

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Moving around the website using the keyboard

If you have difficulties using the mouse, you can also navigate the website using shortcuts on the keyboard. Select the „Help“ button in the browser menu to search for keyboard shortcuts that will help you navigate.

For example, you can use the „Tab“ key to move forward and select various elements of the web page (menu, teasers, links, form fields), which you can then click on by pressing „Enter“. Using the „Shift“ and „Tab“ key combination you can move backwards on the web page.

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Reporting problems with the operation of the website

If you have any problems with the operation of the website, you can report them using the form „Notes on the website“.

In addition, you can contact the Barrier-Free Internet Monitoring Office of the State of Brandenburg (e-mail to

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